why lab created diamonds?
The newest Choice
Presenting the newest Choice in fine jewelry, the choice to be different, to pursue value, to be a conscious consumer.
Lab Created Diamonds are Diamonds, not diamond simulants (Moissanite or CZ).
Lab Created Diamonds are by nature, CONFLICT FREE.
Lab Created Diamonds are more affordable than a mined Diamond of the same quality and size.
Lab Created Diamonds can be certified using the same quality-analysis used to certify mined Diamonds.
How Is It made?
Lab Created Diamonds are grown using one of two different techniques: High-Pressure High-Temperature (or HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (or CVD). Using either method the result is a pure carbon Lab Created Diamond, that is chemically and optically identical to a mined Diamond.
benefits of Lab Created Diamonds
1. It’s a Diamond.
Lab Created Diamonds are chemically, physically and optically identical to mined Diamonds.
2. Above Ground.
Lab Created Diamonds are produced above ground in a laboratory, not mined from the earth.
3. Bigger or Better.
For the same price, you could get a larger or higher quality Lab Created Diamond.
4. Conflict Free.
Lab Created Diamonds are, by nature, conflict free.
For the same price, a Lab Created Diamond will be bigger or better quality than a mined Diamond
Lab Created Diamonds vs. Mined Diamonds
The 4c’s of Diamond Grading
Plus The New 5th C, choice!
The 4Cs’ are a globally accepted method for assessing the quality of any Diamond – Mined or Lab Created . The Cs stand for Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight. It’s important to remember that a Diamond’s value is determined using all of the 4Cs, not just a single category.
1. Many think of cut as the shape of the Diamond, but it actually refers to the arrangement of facets. A Diamond’s Cut - grade represents how well its facets interact with light.
2. Diamond color is graded in terms of how white or colorless a Diamond is. Color is graded from D to Z, with D being the most colorless, and Z containing noticeable brown or yellow tint.
3. Diamond carat weight is the measurement of how much a Diamond weighs.
4. The clarity of a Diamond is determined by the amount and location of flaws, or blemishes, in the Diamond when viewed under 10 power (10x) magnification.
new Choice
5. With Lab Created Diamonds, consumers now have a fifth C to consider when they purchase a Diamond -- CHOICE.
Lab Created Diamonds FAQ’s
Is a Lab Created Diamond actually a Diamond?
Absolutely - Lab Created Diamonds, ARE Diamonds. They have the exact same chemical and optical properties as mined Diamonds, the only difference lies in their origin.
Are Lab Created Diamonds the same quality as mined Diamonds?
With the same gemological grading a Lab Created Diamond and a mined Diamond would be of the same quality.
Are Lab Created Diamonds graded the same way as mined Diamonds?
Yes, they are graded the same. You may determine the value of a Lab Created Diamond by looking for the same 4C's: cut, clarity, color and carat as a mined Diamond.
What is the difference between Lab Created Diamonds, and Diamond Simulants?
Lab Created Diamonds are not simulants. The main difference between Lab Created Diamonds and Diamond Simulants (like Moissanite or Cubic Zirconia) is their chemical compositions, Lab Created Diamonds and mined Diamonds are chemically composed of pure carbon.
How are Lab Created Diamonds made?
Diamonds are formed when carbon atoms crystallize into cubic structures with tetrahedral bonds, making it the hardest substance on earth. This concept is used to grow diamonds above ground using one of 2 processes: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) or Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Diamond growth can occur only when a ‘diamond seed’ is present. A diamond seed is a very thin slice of Diamond on which carbon atoms deposit to form strong tetrahedral structure and grows into a larger rough Diamond.
How can you tell the difference between a mined Diamond and Lab Created Diamond?
The Best way to to identify a Lab Created Diamond vs. a mined Diamond is through laboratory testing.
Are Lab Created Diamonds the same price as mined Diamonds?
While prices may vary, Lab Created Diamonds compared to mined Diamonds OF the same size, shape and quality will usually cost less.
Mined Diamonds are all unique, are Lab Created Diamonds?
Each Diamond grows in its own way, with one-of-a-kind inclusions and unique growth patterns. No two Lab Created Diamonds are alike.
Are Lab Created Diamonds Conflict Free?
Lab Created Diamonds are, by nature, conflict free.